NASA Rebounding REPORT
“Rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.”
-The Miracles of Rebound Exercise; Carter, Albert E.; The National institute of Reboundology and Health, Inc. Edmonds, Washington, 1979.
“…for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running, a finding that might help identify acceleration parameters needed for the design of remedial procedures to avert deconditioning in persons exposed to weightlessness. “
The above statement is one of several made in a scientific study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology 49(5): 881-887, 1980, which confirms many of the statements previously made in The Miracles of Rebound Exercise, 1979. The research was performed by the Biomechanical Research Division, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, in cooperation with the Wenner-Gren Research laboratory, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.
The four scientists, A, Bhattacharya, E. p, McCutcheon, E. Shvariz, and J, E. Greenleaf, secured the assistance of eight young men between the ages of 19 and 26 to each walk, jog, and run on a treadmill which was operated at four different speeds and then jump on a standard sized trampoline at four different heights to compare the difference between the two modes of exercise.
Although treadmill running had been studied many times before, the scientists found that “…measurements of the necessary variables have not been reported previously for trampoline exercise.” The trampoline testing was conducted at least one week after the treadmill testing.
The pulse was obtained by a battery-powered electrocardiographic unit taped to the subject’s body which transmitted its signals to a custom designed receiver which in turn recorded the information by electronically writing it on a chart.
The oxygen consumption was measured with a K-meter that the subject carried on his back. The G-force experienced by the ankle, back and forehead of each of the university students was measured by small sensitive accelerometers which were placed in Plexiglas holders that were taped to the ankle, the small of the back, and the forehead.
After a thorough medical examination, the healthy students were issued a pair of shorts and new Nike running shoes to standardize the conditions to be measured. They were given familiarization sessions on laboratory procedures, treadmill running, and trampoline jumping to ensure the exercise techniques would be the same. Each student then walked or ran four different speeds on the treadmill with a five to ten minute rest period between runs while the scientist recorded their statistics and compared them with previous treadmill studies for accuracy.
A week later, these same athletes returned to bounce on a trampoline at four different heights with a five to ten minute rest period in between exercise sessions. Again the scientists recorded their statistics, only this time, they had no previous studies to compare them to since trampolining had not been previously studied. The only studies available were the preliminary studies which began in August of 1977 on passive restrained humans and animals exposed to increasing frequency and amplitude of vibration forces designed to increase heart rate and metabolic activity, “These responses measured by whole-body vibration resemble those during mild exercise and suggest that perhaps body vibration could be used in place of exercise for those who are ambulatory.
The results of trampoline vs. treadmill study were startling to the scientists but quite frankly, were expected by us at the National Institute of Reboundology and Health, now named the American Institute of Reboundology, Inc.
This statement verifies the fact that rebound exercise is an excellent exercise for our senior citizens, those physically handicapped, those who are recuperating from an accident or injury, or anyone else who needs exercise but is hampered by a preexisting physical condition.
For more information about this astounding exercise concept, please call the American Institute of Reboundology, Inc. toll free 1-888-464-JUMP (5867) We have the most extensive collection of educational materials related to Rebound