Rebounder Excercising


Rebound Exercise Recommendations in the Home
Emphasis: Permanent Weight Loss “The Voice of the Rebound Exercise Industry.”
Did you know?

Every exercise routine has four parameters that describe the routine and predict the results.
Those parameters are 1) Duration, 2) Intensity, 3) Frequency and 4) Mode. In addition, if weight loss is your goal, we’ve discovered client results are more often achieved by COMBINING rebounding with a time-tested dietary system, a team of certified health coaches, and fun follow-ups to be used in super-charging your Rebounding DVD Routine. Call to speak to one of our certified health coaches, nurses or doctors today. FREE 10 minute consult: (801) 787-6155 ask for Wendie Edwards, ICU RN, CSN, BS, Certified Health Coach, Author of 11 books! Mother to 9 children! Oh, and, congratulate her in losing 56 pounds and keeping it off.
Let’s briefly discuss each of the four parameters and learn more about the added benefits of {safely} losing weight, and more importantly, once we’ve succeeded in losing weight and gaining all that NEW energy, let’s make sure to MAINTAIN our healthy, improved, good lookin’ body composition! We know how to do this! Let us help you achieve your wellness goals.

Rebound Air Before and After for ab workout

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that all able bodies be engaged in exercise routines that have a duration of 20 to 60 minutes, at a “moderate” aerobic intensity, 3 to 6 days a week (frequency), doing something you enjoy doing (mode).
Thousands of studies reviewed have shown how this combination, performed regularly, results in optimum wellness benefits such as body composition management, coronary artery disease prevention, insulin level control, improvements in energy or endurance and additional psychological benefits such as stress management and improved self image.
What does this mean for Rebound Exercise routines?

First of all, it means we designed the “Keep on Rebounding!” follow-along DVD properly. (NEWS! Most recently we added a CardioBOUNCE DVD) We made sure the four parameters and recommendations were adhered to in the design of these programs. For example, the duration of the routine on the video is 38 minutes long. The intensity for most individuals falls within the “moderate” range. That is to say, the routine is not so intense that one could no longer hold a conversation while following the routine. (This will vary according to the condition of the individual. In any case, listen to your body. The routine should be enjoyable!)
We recommend following the video at a frequency of at least 3 times a week. For additional weight loss benefits, one could follow the first two segments of the video 5 or 6 days a week. For those who are in top condition already, we recommend using our hand-held weights while following the video. This will “step up” the aerobic intensity while bolstering muscle tone improvements. (Weights combined with Rebound Aerobics is called “Aerobic Resistive Rebounding”… try saying that ten times fast!)
For added weight loss, learn more about the most effective diet programs we’ve discovered. Enroll today! Combine this lifestyle make-over program to your Rebounding and watch the weight come down and your energy return to levels typical of your 20s and 30s! 30+ years of clinical science, endorsed by the MacDonald Center for Obesity and thousands of doctors. Learn more!
As for the mode? By way of rebounding, of course. We hope the “Keep on Rebounding” video is an enjoyable routine that will encourage you to rebound on a regular basis. We included a large variety of movements to keep things interesting for people of all ages. Thanks for choosing rebounding as the mode by which you love to exercise. Some use rebounding exclusively, while others rebound as a complimenting mode to their health club, gardening or hiking interests.
To those who are currently following the DVD routineS and have reported to us your outstanding progress, thank you for the positive response and keep up the good work! SEND MORE BEFORE AND AFTER pictures. Want to view some serious results? Join our facebook community!
Please send us your progress reports. We know how effective a weight loss program is when you must report your progress at the end of the week. Let us be members of your support group! Your confidentiality is respected at the American Institute of Reboundology, Inc. We will always ask your permission if we choose to publish your comments.
For more information about the “Keep on Rebounding!” video, please give us a call toll free 1-888-464-JUMP or visit our links listed below.
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Rebound Photo Library for Rebound Aerobics Demo Pics