Percent of participants of fitness activities age 18 and older who said the goal was “somewhat to very important”.

Females Males
10 Improve self-esteem 76.2% 10 Time for self 75.3%
9 Enjoy exercise 77.9% 9 Keep flexibility 75.6%
8 Time for self 79.3% 8 Enjoy exercise 76.1%
7 Reduce stress 80.5% 7 Build strength 76.5%
6 (tie) Keep flexibility 81.3% 6 Build strength 76.5%
5 (tie) Cardiovascular benefits 81.3% 5 Feeling good after 81.7%
4 Muscle tone 84.3% 4 Weight control 81.8%
3 Increased energy 86.0% 3 Cardiovascular benefits 81.9%
2 Feeling good after 86.6% 2 Increased energy 83.0%
1 Most cited reason for exercise, females:”Weight control!” 87.5% 1 Most cited reason for exercise, males:”Muscle tone!” 84.7%
Source: Fitness Products Council/IHRSA/American Sports Data, Inc., Reprinted in SGMA’s “Tracking the fitness movement” reports.The American Institute of Reboundology, Inc. is a member of the SGMA (Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association).

Top Ten Reasons People Do Not Exercise:

10 Apathy! /”Don’t care to.”
9 Lack of understanding of the benefits/”Low priority.”
8 Embarrassment/Social discomfort
7 Injury/Health problems/Chronic physical discomfort
6 “Boredom!”/Lack of variety
5 Distance/Inconvenience
4 Expense of equipment, clothes, memberships
3 Discouraging/’Not enjoyable.”/Bad experience with delayed onset muscle soreness (“DOMS”)
2 No energy/’I’m too tired.”/Lack of discipline/”Too hard… there’s got to be an easier way!”
1 Number one excuse: “No time in my busy schedule!”
Source: The American Institute of Reboundology, Inc.
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